Mental Health

You’re invited: Join us for the Winter Read
Starting this month: The Ohio Conference Winter Read, a Conference-wide book group on Zoom, will be returning for the third year in a row. We would love to have you join us for conversation about the book Not Quite Fine: Mental Health, Faith and Showing Up for One Another by Carlene Hill Byron. Discussion leaders will be Emiley Shenk and …

Please join us for the Winter Read
In less than a month, the Ohio Conference Winter Read will begin. We would love to have you join us for conversation about the book Not Quite Fine: Mental Health, Faith and Showing Up for One Another by Carlene Hill Byron. Discussion leaders will be Emiley Shenk and Darin Nissley. Winter Read discussions will take place on Zoom on five…

You’re invited to join the Ohio Conference Winter Read
Coming in January: The Ohio Conference Winter Read. This winter Ohio Conference will once again hold a Conference-wide book study using the Zoom videoconferencing platform. This year we will be studying Not Quite Fine: Mental Health, Faith and Showing Up for One Another, a book by Carlene Hill Byron. Discussion leaders will be Emiley Shenk and Darin Nissley. Winter Read discussion sessions will…

Winter Read to focus on mental health
Coming in January: The Ohio Conference Winter Read. This winter Ohio Conference will once again hold a Conference-wide book study using the Zoom videoconferencing platform. We will be studying the book Not Quite Fine: Mental Health, Faith and Showing Up for One Another by Carlene Hill Byron. A schedule of Zoom meetings will be published in December, as well as registration…

Tiny, awkward little steps
Engaging with mental illness as a congregation By Nathanael Hofstetter Ressler Maple Grove Mennonite Church Hartville, Ohio Realities exist in life that are daunting to consider, much less to know what to do about them. These realities loom over us in their enormity, and we seem to shrink into their shadows. How could I possibly do anything to address that?!…
Mental health resources available from CommonWord
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. CommonWord, a collaboration of Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian Mennonite University, has curated a collection of mental health-related resources. To view the collection, see