Indonesia 2022

You’re invited to Assembly 17
You’re invited: Mennonite World Conference’s Assembly 17 in Indonesia will be a hybrid event, held both virtually and in person. “Following Jesus Together Across Barriers” is the theme of this gathering, which will take place July 5-10. Learn with the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family this summer. Register for Assembly to receive access to 10 worship services, which can be aired whole…

Larger group can attend MWC Assembly 17
Mennonite World Conference’s (MWC) Indonesian Assembly just got a little bit larger. The National Advisory Committee for Assembly 17 and the executive committee of MWC have decided to raise in-person attendance numbers for the gathering in Indonesia to 1,250. Assembly 17 will take place both online and in Indonesia July 5-10, 2022. COVID-19 cases in Indonesia remain low, so the…
MWC opens registration for Indonesia 2022
Mennonite World Conference has opened registration for online participants for its 17th global assembly July 5-10 in Semarang, Indonesia, at For more information about the assembly, see