
OC coordinator of volunteers reflects on hope and growth in the wilderness
How do times of difficulty shape us? Ohio Conference Coordinator of Volunteers Alysa Short considers this question in a blog post for Mennonite Church USA titled “Hope and Growth in the Wilderness.” You can read her reflections at https://bit.ly/HopeandGrowth.
The Mennonite seeks submissions for April issue
The Mennonite Inc. invites your original submissions for the April 2020 issue focusing on the theme “resilient hope.” Submissions are due to Editor@TheMennonite.org no later than Feb. 28. For more information about this theme, see http://bit.ly/TheMennoniteApril2020.
Thankful and hopeful
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister I have now completed two months as Conference Minister, working one to two days a week until beginning full-time on Jan. 1. I have participated in the four cluster meetings across the Conference, the congregational leadership team retreat in Bellville, the Mennonite Church USA Constituency Leaders Council meeting in Chicago, a day-long pastors and credentialed…