2023 Pastor-Spouse Retreat
Retreat offers couples time for rest, reconnection
Fourteen couples attended the Ohio Conference Pastor-Spouse Retreat, which was held Nov. 10-12 at Deer Creek State Park Lodge in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. The theme of the weekend gathering was “Fill my Cup,” and participants were encouraged to rest, be refreshed and reconnect with their spouse. Our thanks go to the sponsors who helped to underwrite this event: Hummel Group,…

Sept. 1 is registration deadline for Pastor-Spouse Retreat
Last call for registrations: Sept. 1, 2023, is the registration deadline for the Ohio Conference Pastor-Spouse Retreat. The retreat will take place Nov. 10-12 at Deer Creek State Park Lodge and Conference Center in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. For more information, see https://bit.ly/2023Pastor-SpouseBrochure. To register, go to https://bit.ly/2023Pastor-SpouseRetreat.

Register for Pastor-Spouse Retreat by Sept. 1
Pastors: Are you planning on attending the Ohio Conference Pastor-Spouse Retreat? The retreat will take place Nov. 10-12 at Deer Creek State Park Lodge and Conference Center in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. Registration is due by Sept. 1, 2023. For more information, see https://bit.ly/2023Pastor-SpouseBrochure. To register, go to https://bit.ly/2023Pastor-SpouseRetreat.