Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA

Regional Pastor (West) Job Description

Ohio Conference is an historic Anabaptist faith community of approximately 50 congregations across Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Serving the western half of the Conference, the Regional Pastor (West) has two primary responsibilities: serving as pastor to the pastors and acting as a liaison between the Conference and the congregations.

Time Requirement: Half-time (.5 FTE)

Term of Employment: Three years, potentially renewable

Reports to: Conference Minister

Benefits: Adhere to MC USA salary guidelines


  1. Mature: Lives faithfully to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and MC USA’s Shared Understanding of Church Leadership. Previous pastoral and church leadership experience required. Preferably credentialed within MC USA or willing to be credentialed for specific ministry by Ohio Conference.
  2. Missional: Passionate about the church and its mission.
  3. Reconciler: Skillfully moves toward any conflict that arises and facilitates resolution.
  4. Servant Leader: Humble, approachable, listens well, and inspires trust and confidence.
  5. Relational: Relates well with others and understands the context of Ohio Conference.
  6. Collaborative: Possesses a shared understanding of leadership and success.
  7. Effective communicator: Clear, concise speaker and writer.


Relate to approximately 25 congregations in western Ohio.


  1. In role of pastor to pastors (approximately 50 percent of time):
  • Coordinate monthly pastor peer gatherings for mutual encouragement and accountability.
  • Interact with pastors for building trust, nurture and support.
  • Encourage and cultivate spiritual growth, passion and calling.
  • Oversee credentials and accountability.
  • Facilitate pastoral search processes.
  • Work with licensing, installations, ordinations and mentors.

2. In role of serving as liaison between Conference and congregations (approximately 40 percent of time):

  • Facilitate building congregational relationships through their leaders, delegates, search groups, pastoral feedback, conflict management, and normal church functions.
  • Moderate with the Conference Minister regional cluster meetings.
  • Be available as the link between congregations and Conference.

3. In role of relationship with staff (approximately 10 percent of time):

  •      Meet monthly with Conference Minister and Regional Pastor – East.
  •      Meet quarterly with staff members for communication, programming and tending to vision and direction.
  •      Serve as a member of the Ministry Development Team, which meets 4-6 times per year.

4. Model and promote a healthy work-life balance.


To Apply: Submit a letter of interest to Conference Minister Dick Barrett at ohioconferenceminister@gmail.com.

To download a PDF of this job description, click here: Regional Pastor — West.