2014 Special Delegate Session
A total of 279 people, including 269 delegates, attended the Ohio Conference special delegate session held Aug. 9 at Martins Creek Mennonite Church. Thanks to all who participated, and a special thanks goes to the host congregation, Martins Creek Mennonite Church in Millersburg.
The results of the vote on the resolution regarding Mountain States Mennonite Conference were as follows:
Yes – 163 (61.74 percent)
No – 101
Because the percentage approving the resolution did not reach the 66.66 percent required, the resolution did not pass.
Two additional resolutions were proposed, but neither received the required 66.66 percent affirmation needed for adoption.
The minutes of this special delegate session are now available: Minutes of 8-9-14 Special Delegate Session
Resources for special delegate session
The purpose of our special delegate session was to discuss and vote on the proposed resolution regarding Mountain States Mennonite Conference which was tabled at our regular delegate session in March. Below are a variety of resources which congregations and delegates were invited to use in preparation.
Proposed Resolution
Concerned Pastors’ Letter and Resolution
Congregational Equipping Resources
Ethical Continuum (shared at Annual Conference Assembly)
Ethical Continuum Version #2 (Note: This version, developed for use at Orrville Mennonite Church, removes some column descriptors from the first version, and makes some explanatory comments. Please use the version which you feel is most helpful.)
Certainty-Mystery Continuum
Constituency Leaders Council – Table group summaries outlining suggestions for the Executive Board
Examples of Study Processes
Orrville Mennonite Church’s Study Process
Wooster Mennonite Church’s Study Process
“Sharing Our Stories” document used at First Mennonite Church in Canton
Mennonite Polity
Below are links to two videos which focus on Mennonite polity:
Introduction to polity
Membership guidelines
Mennonite Church USA
Mennonite Church USA website
Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective
Mennonite Church USA membership guidelines
MennoMedia has a resource on human sexuality your congregation may find useful: Body and Soul.