Believe and Be Baptized, a free study guide about baptism, is now available for Ohio Conference congregations. The study guide was produced by the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism (ISGA).

Written by John D. Roth in collaboration with Tom Yoder Neufeld, the study guide reflects on topics discussed during the Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversation on Baptism. Believe and Be Baptized offers accessible descriptions of the histories of baptism; explanations of the significance of baptism in the different traditions; questions for reflection; and prayers.

The booklet was designed to be used in Sunday school classes or with small groups, but it could also be adapted to other congregational settings. A digital version of the study guide is available online at

Thanks to a grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, the ISGA is able to provide these study guides in bulk to Anabaptist conferences and congregations, free of cost. If you would like to order printed copies, you may order them online  (in groups of 10) at Please note that the study guide is available in both English and Spanish.