Pastor-Spouse Retreat to offer time and space for couples to rest, refresh and reconnect

Ohio Conference will hold a 2023 Pastor-Spouse Retreat Nov. 10-12 at Deer Creek State Park Lodge and Conference Center in Mt. Sterling, Ohio, about 32 miles south of Columbus. The theme of this weekend event will be “Fill My Cup.”
This retreat has been designed to provide an affordable time away for pastors and their spouses. The retreat will offer a combination of organized activities and unstructured time. During the weekend, participants will be encouraged to rest in the Lord, refresh through downtime, self-care and couple-care, and reconnect with their spouse and with other pastoral couples.
Cost for this retreat is $250 per couple. The price includes a room for two nights, snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Ohio Conference would like to thank the generous sponsors who have helped to underwrite this retreat. They include Hummel Group, Oak Grove Mennonite Church in Smithville, Oak Grove Mennonite Church in West Liberty, and Zion Mennonite Church.
Registration is due by Sept. 1, 2023. For more information or to register, go to A retreat brochure with a schedule also is available: 2023 Pastor-Spouse Retreat Brochure.