Lombard Mennonite Peace Center is offering a one-day work­shop, “Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches.” This train­ing event will be held in person in September and online in No­vember.

“Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches” will be offered in person on Sept. 24 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Trinity Cathedral in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition, the same training will be offered online on Saturday, Nov. 5.

Conflict is a normal part of life, even in the church. Understand­ing this can help church members realize that they should not be surprised or ashamed when they experience conflict in their faith communities. What is important is how the conflicts that inevita­bly arise are addressed. The Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches workshop teaches some basic skills that will help par­ticipants manage conflicts within their congregations in a healthi­er manner.

Cost is $99 per person, with a discount for groups of four or more. For more information, please see 2022 Conflict Transformation Skills.