Update: The number of youth worker seminars has changed. The series of seminars will begin on March 22 instead of March 8. Please see the updated schedule below.

Ohio Conference is offering a series of free online seminars for youth workers during March, April and May. “Jesus as Model: Youth Ministry Reimagined” is the theme of this series, which will feature a variety of presenters.

In addition to hearing from presenters, seminar participants will be able to connect with other youth workers from around the Conference to share stories of their successes and challenges.

Workshops will be offered from 7 to 8:15 p.m. on seven Tuesdays: March 22, April 12, 19 and 26, and May 10, 17 and 24. Youth workers can choose to attend just a few individual seminars, or they can attend the entire series.

2022 Youth Worker Seminars

March 22Program vs. Discipleship: Jesus NowJared Chase
April 12Cross-Generational Discipleship/MentoringChris Cox
April 19Leadership DevelopmentDick Barrett
April 26How do we stay in tune to the Spirit with God's Word and Spiritual Practices?
Alex Dye
May 10Authentic/Intentional Relationships: Agreeing to disagree; unity; dialogue celebrating diversityKeith Lyndaker Schlabach
May 17Jesus Meeting Us Where We're AtRenee Wilson
May 24Go ─ Obedience to the Father and Our Calling: Matthew 28Jacob Dodson

To register, go to https://bit.ly/2022YouthWorkerSeminars.

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