Online workshop series continues
Ohio Conference is continuing its series of workshops held on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. These free online workshops are open to everyone, and we invite you to come and learn more about the Lord’s work.
Tonight, April 8, Matthew Peterson will lead the workshop “Creating a Culture of Ordinary Goodness.” During World War II, the town of Le Chambon, a small, conservative, agricultural town in rural France, played a central role in the rescue operation of as many as 5,000 refugees, including 3,500 Jews. André Trocmé, who was a pacifist and the pastor at the French Reformed Church in Le Chambon during this time, played a critical role in inspiring these rescue efforts. This workshop will examine what Mennonite pastors and congregations, particularly in rural areas, can learn from Trocmé and the villagers of Le Chambon.
On Thursday, April 15, Alan Kauffman will lead the workshop “Rooted and Grounded: Faith, Land and Creation.” You are invited to come and see examples of what gives us roots and be reminded of the awesomeness of God’s Creation with examples from scripture, life and science. Participants will have a renewed appreciation of the awesomeness of God and the importance of stewarding what He has put in our care.
You can register for either of these workshops at