Ohio Conference pastors and those in leadership, please mark your calendars for the Healthy Boundaries Training 201, which will take place virtually on Oct. 10 (Saturday) and Nov. 7 (Saturday). You may register for the day that suits you best. Training will run from 9 a.m. through 2:30 p.m.

Our instructors are Andrew Stoner and Jon Bohley, both trained by FaithTrust Institute. Due to licensing issues, we are not able to record sessions to use as a resource at a later time.

Please register online at http://bit.ly/OhioConferenceEvents.

Register Now

Please complete your registration and order your course work­book as soon as possible. You may order your workbook as a printed copy or an e-book. (Please see below for a list of instructions for ordering a workbook.) Printed copies must be ordered by Sept. 25 in order to arrive on time for the October training and by Oct. 16 for the November training.

Healthy Boundaries Training is mandated every three years for credentialed persons in Ohio Conference. You will receive sign-on instructions prior to the meeting. It will be great to come together and see everyone again! If you have any questions, you may contact Vickie Yoder, Credentialing Ministry Team chair­person (Rev.vickieyoder@gmail.com).


Please note: All participants in this training need to order a copy of the workbook Healthy Boundaries 201: Beyond Basics. 

You have two options for purchasing this workbook:

Amazon sells an electronic version of this book for $9.99. It is designed for use with a Kindle e-reader. Those who do not have a Kindle can download the free Kindle app from Amazon. This app allows individuals to read e-books on their smartphone, tablet or computer. 

You can purchase a printed copy of the workbook from FaithTrust Institute for $15. In order to receive the workbook in time for the training, please order it by Sept. 25 for the October training or by Oct. 16 for the November training. After those dates, on-time delivery can not be guaranteed, and you should order an electronic copy instead.

To receive the special price of $15, please click on the link above and then follow the instructions listed below:

  • Click ADD TO CART.  
  • On the Your Cart page, Click CHECK OUT. Complete the contact and shipping address.
  • Continue to shipping methods and select USPS Priority. Then on the right side, make sure the discount code is entered: OHIO201 and click APPLY. It will then show free shipping and the total will be $15 for one book ordered.
  • CONTINUE to payment page and complete credit card info. Click PAY NOW.