Registration is now open for both sessions of Lombard Mennonite Peace Center’s Mediation Skills Training Institute scheduled for this fall: Oct. 5-9 and Nov. 16-20. This workshop helps clergy and other church leaders deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. Registrants will attend remotely via Zoom. A $200 discount is available to those who register by the discount deadline. To register, go to

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center also offers a variety of 90-minute webinars on timely topics, such as Grief In the Time of COVID.  For more information about these and other events, please consult the MSTI BrochureClergy Clinic Brochure, or LMPC Events Calendar, or visit Questions? Email the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center at or call 630-627-0507.