2020 Annual Conference Assembly
We are prayerfully preparing for our annual time of worshipful work, centered around the theme “Hearts of Wisdom,” based on Psalm 90:12. We hope you will plan to join us Saturday, March 7, 2020, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City, Ohio, for our 51th Ohio Annual Conference Assembly.
Please note that this year’s assembly will only be a one-day event. To allow for this, there will not be any workshops, displays, or men’s or women’s breakfasts. There will, however, be a pastor appreciation meal over the lunch hour.
Our mission is to be a people dedicated to the worship of, faith in and witness for Jesus Christ. We look forward to celebrating God’s goodness together. We hope that you will be encouraged in your faith through our worshipful work in delegate sessions, dynamic worship, and connecting with others from across the Conference.
Make your plans to attend the assembly as we unite to learn, worship and celebrate together for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom here in our corner of the world. Please register early! If you are planning to secure lodging for Friday evening, please note that the cutoff date for special pricing ends in early February, in most cases.
See these documents for more information:
Donation List for Service Project
Map of the Plain City/Dublin Area
This year we will be collecting items for The Food Pantry in Plain City. Please review the included list of suggested items. There will be a collection box for these items in the registration area.
We hope you will join us as we celebrate God’s Kingdom work and that you will be part of discerning the ongoing mission and ministry we do together.
Lynn Miller, moderator
Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA