Pastors gather for relationship building, discussion

On Feb. 12, 27 credentialed ministers from across Ohio Conference gathered together at the Upper Sandusky Public Library once again for relationship building and discussion about the possibility of creating a covenant of the Conference’s core beliefs/values and practices. The meeting was a follow-up to their meeting on Nov. 8, 2018.
It was a good day of fellowship, discussion and discernment. The practice of gathering together as credentialed ministers a couple of times a year is part of the Gathered half of Conference’s Gathered and Sent initiative. The Gathered Resource Team consists of Conference Minister Dick Barrett, Regional Pastors Cliff Brubaker and Ralph Reinford, Thomas Dunn, Bill Seymour, Dan Hooley and Marilyn Grasse-Brubaker.
Due to inclement weather many from the northwest part of the state were unable to attend the Feb. 12 meeting. On Feb. 19 Dick Barrett and Cliff Brubaker met with nine of the credentialed ministers from that area at Shalom Ministries in Archbold as part of their monthly pastor peer gathering.
Photos by Ralph Reinford