Deficit is erased during January

Giving to the Ohio Conference was strong for the second month in a row during January, resulting in a positive operating balance for the first time during this fiscal year.
According to figures supplied by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth, receipts for the month totaled $54,545, including $42,925 from congregations and $11,573 from individuals. That total for the month was somewhat lower than the $60,171 received in December, but still much higher than any other month during the fiscal year. (See the chart below for details.)
Expenses for the month were just $26,404, resulting in a surplus of $28,141 for the month. That surplus was enough to wipe out the previous cumulative operating deficit for the fiscal year. At the end of January, the Conference operating balance was $21,695, the first time that number moved into positive territory during the 2018-19 fiscal year. Thank you to all who contributed! The Conference fiscal year ends March 31.