In the latest episode of the Ohio Conference Cast podcast, co-hosts Bill Seymour and Thomas Dunn talk with Conference Minister Dick Barrett and Paula Snyder Belousek, pastor of Salem Mennonite Church in Elida, about their experience at the October meeting of the Constituency Leaders Council (CLC). Snyder Belousek describes the CLC as “a place to build relationships together denominationally.”

This episode, which was recorded at the All-Ohio Conference Pastors’ Meeting on Nov. 9, also includes questions about the CLC from several pastors.

For an additional report about the October 2018 CLC meeting, see the Mennonite Church USA website:

Paula Snyder Belousek (center) ponders how to answer a question during a recording session for the Ohio Conference Cast. Also pictured are Conference Minister Dick Barrett (left) and Ohio Conference Cast co-host Bill Seymour.