LineOhio Conference of MC USA 2018-19 Spending PlanBudgeted
Empowering Pastors and Congregations
1Office/Travel for credentialing interviews and meetings $602
$1,447 $1,000
2Pastoral Assessment (new pastoral candidates)$1,800$0$1,350
3Healthy Boundaries Training$1,300$1,426$2,500
4Counseling for Pastoral Misconduct$2,500
5Staffing expenses (2018-19, 53%)$103,250$60,352$161,041
9Office/Travel for meetings$0$0$0
10Financial Review of Conference Books$100$0$1,500
13Equipping Conference Ministries
14Office/Travel for meetings (Leadership Team)$2,662$2,966$3,000
15Gifts Discernment Ministry meetings$500$4$300
16Kidron Office Expenses$16,500$10,557$16,500
17Printing Expenses$3,000$9$3,000
18Resource Library Expenses for new materials$100$0$0
19Annual Assembly Expenses$5,000$3,895$5,000
20Annual Assembly Receipts($859)
21Fundraising Expenses$750$447$750
22Youth Minister Advocate$250$0$0
23Staffing expenses (2018-19, 32%)$126,850$74,147$97,232
26 Embodied Faith, Worship and Witness
27Office/Travel for meetings$86$218$0
28Prayer Ministry Tream$100$4$0
29Retreats & Seminars, Miscellaneous $6,500$4,278$23,500
30Staffing expenses (2018-19, 10%)$50,150$29,314$30,385
33Denominational Support
34MC USA Executive Leadership Support $11,800$12,662$14,400
35Delegates to General Assembly$7,000$5,033$0
36Constituency Leaders Council Support$1,000$582$1,000
37Staff expenses (2018-19, 5%)$14,750$8,622$15,192
40Total Expenses$354,050$215,104$380,150
42Congregational Giving (MC USA)$253,150$253,244$288,000
43Congregational Giving (Non-MC USA)$12,000$12,263$12,000
44Individual Giving$16,000$20,700$30,000
45Gifts in Kind$1,900$394$0
46Interest Income - Checking$223
47Fees received from Healthy Boundaries training$1,294$5,000
48Transfer from Capital Funds$71,000$32,540$45,150
49Total Income$354,050$320,658$380,150


Empowering Pastors & Congregations

The majority of Regional Pastor time goes toward the support of the pastors of our congregations. In addition to maintaining credentials, mandatory Healthy Boundaries training is being provided to pastors and congregational leaders by the Conference. A fee of $100 per participant is proposed to cover the cost of the Healthy Boundaries training and build a fund for victim counseling services. Participants will retrain every three years, estimating 50 participants per year at $100 yields $5,000 to support lines 3 and 4. These proceeds are entered as income in the spending plan.


Stewardship Ministry provides fiscal accountability for Conference work. We have budgeted $1,500 for an outside review of the Conference’s operations and capital funds. Hopefully, we can at a future time facilitate events and resources focused on being faithful stewards. Stewardship Team members volunteer their time and assume any mileage expenses.

Equipping Conference Ministries

Administrative support is essential for maximizing the volunteer time and the financial resources of Conference. This support also includes preparation of official documents, including pastoral credentials; providing resources to the delegates, including Annual Conference Assembly, Cluster Meetings and Delegate News; and informing congregations of various ministries and events throughout Conference through Perspective and Ohio Mennonite Evangel. Also provided is financial accounting. Support for these ministries ensures the efficiency of Conference work, allowing volunteers to engage their passions to promote the projects of Conference, thus facilitating the work that we do together that we could not accomplish apart.

Embodied Worship, Faith & Witness

Strengthening congregations to promote worship, faith and witness is one of the primary aims of Conference work. Many volunteers do not claim mileage reimbursement. The prayer ministry continues and is staffed by volunteers resulting in no budget needs. The Resource Team structure remains to respond to congregational needs. A total of eight retreats and seminars are planned, and $10,000 is allocated to the pre-conference Gathered and Sent event next year. These give cause to the increase in line 29.

Denominational Support

Conference provides the link between congregations and the national denominational structure. Support of this work releases the gifts of ministry at a national level. It also demonstrates our commitment to first fruits stewardship and the witness of Mennonites through the work of Mennonite Mission Network, MennoMedia, Mennonite Health Services, Mennonite Education Agency, and the Executive Board. The next General Assembly is scheduled for 2019.