Displays at ACA 2018

AdrielPaul E. Forrey
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical SeminaryTony Hartman
Bluffton UniversityBrent Schroeder and Lawrence Matthews
Brazo en BrazoBarb Martin
Camp LuzAndrew Michaels
Central Christian SchoolJeanne Zimmerly Jantzi
EMU/EMSLes Horning
EverenceKelly Troyer
Goshen CollegeRose Shetler
Lighthouse MinistriesDarrin Nissley
CITYSojournDarrin Nissley
MCC Great LakesSarah Geiser and Laura Horst
MC USA Corinthian PlanJoe Christophel
Mennonite Disaster ServiceWillis Troyer
Mennonite MenSteve Thomas
Mennonite Mission NetworkKarla Minter
Mennonite Mutual InsuranceNathan Sprunger, Christy Diller, Chris Blough
Ohio MCC Thrift ShopsMichael Amstutz
Open Arms Hispanic MinistryRaul Tadeo
Shalom Counseling & Mediation CenterAllen Rutter