The Center for Christian Faith & Culture will welcome Dr. Alan Kreider to Malone University in Canton on Thursday, Nov. 17. He will speak at a pastors’ luncheon at the University’s Brehme Centennial Center. This event, which will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m., is also open to non-pastors.

Dr. Kreider combines a lifetime of academic study about the early church with decades of experience as a mission worker and teach­er in many settings around the world. For 26 years he and Eleanor, his wife, were mission workers in England. Upon returning to the United States in 2000, Alan and Eleanor became mission educators for Mennonite Mission Network. Alan served as an adjunct member of the Associated Mennonite Biblical Sem­inary faculty beginning in 1997 and was named associate profes­sor in 2004. He retired from teaching in 2009 in order to devote more time to writing.

Dr. Kreider’s presentation will focus on his latest book, The Patient Ferment of the Early Church. A free copy of the book will be provided to everyone who registers for this event by Nov. 1, 2016. To register, go to