Winter 2016 Delegate News
Winter cluster meetings scheduled
Seven winter cluster meetings for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly have been scheduled:
- Wayne County — Feb. 2 at Sonnenberg Mennonite in Kidron, 7 p.m.
- Northwest Ohio — Feb. 4 at Zion Mennonite in Archbold, 7 p.m.
- Holmes/Tuscarawas — Feb. 11 at Berlin Mennonite, 7 p.m.
- Columbiana/Pennsylvania — Feb. 16 at Leetonia Mennonite, 7 p.m.
- West Central/SW Ohio — Feb. 18 at Oak Grove Mennonite in West Liberty, 7 p.m.
- Cleveland — Feb. 22 at Lee Heights Community Church in Cleveland, 7 p.m.
- Lima — Feb. 25 at Pike Mennonite in Elida, 7 p.m.
Please remember that if you are not able to attend the cluster meeting in your area because of a schedule conflict, you are welcome to attend any of the other cluster meetings.
Cluster meeting agenda planned
All cluster meetings will include a devotional time. In addition, a number of business items will be covered:
- Ohio Conference membership proposal*
- Proposed one-year covenant*
- Financial report
- Proposed 2016-17 spending plan*
- Congregational sharing
* Delegates will receive copies of these documents in an upcoming issue of Delegate News.
Register for ACA by Feb. 18
The registration deadline for the 2016 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is Feb. 18. This year’s Assembly will take place March 11-12 at Central Mennonite Church in Archbold. The cost to register is $30 by Feb. 18, and $45 thereafter. Fees for meals are extra.
If you have not already received registration forms from your congregation, you may find them online at
Online registration is available at If you register by mail, please make sure to include the registration form and the workshop registration form, as well as the fee. All forms and fees should be mailed to Judy King, Ohio Conference, Box 210, Kidron OH 44636.
New delegate orientation planned
A note for new delegates to Annual Conference Assembly: Be sure to attend our New Delegate Orientation from 12:30-1 p.m. on Friday, March 11. A brief overview of the role and expectations for delegates will be given. We also will review the decision-making processes used at ACA. There will be opportunity to meet Conference leaders and to ask questions.
Year of Mission to begin at ACA
This year before Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) you have the opportunity to grow in your knowledge and passion for God’s mission right in your own neighborhood. On Thursday and Friday, March 10-11, immediately prior to the start of ACA, Brad Brisco and Lance Ford of Forge Network will lead a training workshop on how we can grow in God’s love and mission for those who are closest to us. The workshop will take place at Central Mennonite Church, which is also the site of ACA.
This workshop, titled “Becoming Missional: Re-learning How to Be Sent,” will be the kickoff event for the Ohio Conference Year of Mission in 2016-17. More details are available on the Ohio Conference website:
Conference deficit decreases
Ohio Conference’s deficit decreased during December, according to figures provided by Ohio Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Congregational giving for December totaled $60,121, the largest monthly amount of congregational giving for this fiscal year. Total income for the month was $74,344, and expenses were $28,334, resulting in a surplus of $46,010 for the month. The year-to-date operating balance now stands at -$67,599. Thanks to all who responded to the year-end appeal from the Stewardship Ministry.
Sixty-two attend pastors’ meeting
Sixty-two people attended the All-Ohio Conference Pastors’ Meeting Jan. 13 in Bellville, Ohio. Please see the Pastors’ Meeting Report for more details.
Conference prayer session planned
The Ohio Conference Leadership Team will be meeting for prayer via GoToMeeting from noon to 12:45 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 28. Everyone is invited to join the Leadership Team in prayer at that time.
If you would like to join the prayer session, please follow these instructions:
You may join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone by clicking on the following link:
You can also dial in using your phone:
United States : +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 220-464-789
Conference Administrative Assistant Judy King advises that if you have never used GoToMeeting before, you should connect to the call several minutes before the scheduled start time to allow for any problems or adjustments which might need to be made. When you click on the link, you will be asked to launch the application.
Delegate News is for you
…if you are a delegate to Ohio Conference’s Annual Conference Assembly. Each Ohio Conference congregation is eligible to send at least two delegates (or more, depending on the number of members), as well as an additional young adult delegate. In addition, all credentialed pastors of Ohio Conference congregations are automatically delegates, as are paid staff and members of the Leadership Team, Ministry Development Team, Credentialing Ministry, Gifts Discernment Ministry and Stewardship Ministry.
If you are no longer a delegate for your congregation, please forward Delegate News to the new delegates in your congregation. In addition, please inform Judy King, Conference administrative assistant, of the change. You may contact her at or 330-857-5421.