Wooster Mennonite to host worship event
Wooster Mennonite Church, 1563 Beall Ave., Wooster, will host a worship event Saturday, Nov. 14, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The WHY Worship Event will focus on the theme “Worship How-Tos for You.” The day will include time for participants to worship together as well as take part in workshops. Four workshops are planned:
- Worship through Prayer led by Bill Beery, associate pastor at Heartland Christian Center
- Worship through Music led by Jim Sustar, missionary with Youth With A Mission
- “Circle Painting: Developing an Arts Ministry” led by Melody Kirby, founder of MOSIAC Connection (Art Ministry)
- “Worshipping God through Difficulties” led by Tiffany Ingersoll, LPCC & Equine Program Director at SpringHaven, Inc.
Lunch will be provided. There is no registration fee for this event. For more details or to register, please contact Wooster Mennonite at woostermc@sssnet.com by Wednesday, Nov. 11.