My Trip to a Farm

Girl Talk is a ministry of Friendship Mennonite Church in Bedford Heights, Ohio for girls ages 9 to 13. The majority of the girls who attend are from Bedford Heights Daycare, a 35 year old community daycare that rents space from the church. Pastor Nan Kanagy leads the group.
My name is Michelle and I am here to talk about the farm field trip with Girl Talk on August 3rd. It was very fun and I had a good time. So I am going to start off with three things that I liked about the farm.
The first thing was the tour of the farm. One thing we saw was ground cherries and we ate them. They were sweet. Then we picked out onions from the ground. You just had to pull a little bit and they came right out! We saw goats and we fed them and named them. Their names were Snow White, Big Daddy, Princess and last but not least Fifi. The goats were in the barn.
Then lunch time came and we said a prayer before we ate. We had sandwiches, corn on the cob, and cantaloupe. Then everybody got done eating their food and since it was a nice sunny day we all laid on a big blanket and Pastor Nan read us a story from the Bible. It was about how a woman who was sick her whole life and she touched Jesus and was healed and Jesus said ”you had faith.”
Then it was the end of the day and we all had to come back to the daycare. That’s why I had a great time! I am really going to miss girl talk when I move to Texas.
by Michelle D.