Crown Hill Mennonite Church
Winter Cluster Meeting
Ohio Conference will hold a winter cluster meeting Jan. 31 at 6:30 p.m. at Crown Hill Mennonite Church in Rittman. This meeting is for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly, although others are also welcome to attend. Cluster meetings will also be held at three other locations this fall: Jan. 22 — Beech Mennonite Church in Louisville Jan. 24 — Oak Grove…
Ministry Development Team awards six grants
The Ohio Conference Ministry Development Team (MDT) has awarded six grants totaling $22,100 to Conference congregations and related groups. The MDT approved the grants at its Aug. 23 meeting. Funding for these grants comes from surplus funds that had accumulated during years in which the Conference ended its fiscal year with a surplus. Grants will provide funding toward the following…
Ohio Mennonite Women – Spring Day of Inspiration
The 2017 Spring Day of Inspiration will feature speaker Janice Hershberger. Janice was scheduled to be the speaker for the 2016 Spring Day of Inspiration, which was canceled due to inclement weather. Janice Hershberger has an M.A. in pastoral counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary. She has been a clinical counselor for more than 20 years, currently working at SpringHaven Counseling…