To: Ohio Conference delegates and credentialed ministers

Re: Documents to review before fall cluster meetings

In preparation for fall cluster meetings, we would like you to have copies of three resolutions that Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is planning to bring to the delegates at the Delegate Assembly scheduled for May 27-30, 2022, in Kansas City.

  1. Accessibility Resolution proposed by the Anabaptist Disabilities Network


  1. Resolution to Retire MC USA’s Membership Guidelines proposed by MC USA’s Executive Board


  1. A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation proposed by Inclusive Mennonite Pastors

Of particular concern to the Leadership Team of Ohio Conference is the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation. Just a couple of weeks ago, the Executive Board announced that they had decided to let that resolution come before the delegate assembly in May 2022 in a two-step process. The Ohio Conference Leadership Team has expressed their disappointment and concern regarding that decision in a letter to the MC USA Executive Board on Oct. 8, 2021. Please see this copy of that letter.

For more background information, here is a link to an MC USA announcement regarding the Executive Board meeting on Sept. 24-25: The second half of the announcement includes the decision making and timeline for the Repentance and Transformation resolution.

We also invite you to read a statement to our credentialed ministers and delegates from the Leadership Team regarding the Membership Guidelines and Repentance and Transformation resolutions.

Please bring whatever questions you might have to our fall delegate meetings or contact one of the members of the Leadership Team: Dick Barrett, Conference Minister; Paula Snyder Belousek, Interim Conference Moderator: Vickie Yoder, Credentialing Ministry Team Chair; Andrew Blount, Stewardship Ministry Team Chair; AlvisPettker, Gifts Discernment Ministry Chair.