HARRISONBURG, Virginia — The Mennonite Worship and Song Committee, working under the name Resonate Team, has invited congregations to hold a “Great Day of Singing” this fall and has scheduled a series of 10 regional hymn sings.

Two of these regional events will be held in Ohio:

Oct. 8, 9:30 a.m. — Oak Grove Mennonite Church, Smithville, Ohio, led by project director and general editor Bradley Kauffman. Please note that at 9:30 a.m. during the Sunday school hour, the singing at Oak Grove will focus on congregational favorites. During the morning worship service, beginning at 10:30 a.m., the focus will be on the “Great Day of Singing” songs being highlighted by the Resonate Team.

Oct. 22, 4 p.m. — Yoder Hall, Bluffton University, Bluffton, Ohio, Swiss Community Historical Society, led by project director and general editor Bradley Kauffman

“We want to bring Mennonites together around some new songs and worship resources while opening up a space for worshipers to reflect on God’s gift of song,” said Bradley Kauffman, general editor. “We also see these events as good ways to share excitement for the new hymnal coming in 2020.”

These events will draw from a new 16-page sampler designed for the denomination-wide Great Day of Singing (Sunday, Oct. 22), as well as other songs and worship resources. Congregations may download their own copies at MennoMedia.org/Resonate. In addition to the 16-page sampler, links to selected accompaniments, tutorial videos, and an image inspired by the Psalms are available for free download. A survey for congregational feedback on the sampler is also available there.

An offering to support the project will be received at most of these events as well. Individuals can also give online at www.HymnalProject606.com.